
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tips for meditating

  1. Breathe naturally- do not try to control your breath
  2. Count your breathes- count the inhales and exhales of your breathe. When a thought enters your mind be kind to yourself and start the counting over.  Try to get to 10.
  3. Posture- keep your back straight, but not rigid.  Keep you head slightly tilted forward.
  4. Create an Intention- before you begin your meditation, create an intention and focus on that during your practice
  5. Mantra- repeat a word or phrase while meditating
  6. Music- listen to meditation music to guide you
  7. Practice- As with most things in life, the more you practice the better you become

Friday, April 13, 2012

This is your brain on meditation

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Meditation Space

It's important to create a peaceful meditation space in your home.  

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What do you keep in your meditation space?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Walking Meditation

It's spring
time to get out doors

Take in the beauty that this earth has to offer
with a walking meditation

find a park
or a beach
or a quiet neighborhood

and walk

Notice the air
the wind
the sun on your body
the grass on the ground
the smell of the flowers
the song of the birds
the rush of water
your breath
your steps
your heartbeat

turn off your cell phone
quite your mind
be present
be mindful
be aware

Thursday, April 5, 2012

What Meditation Really Is

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Mantra meditation involves repeating a word or phrase during a meditation
this helps to block unwanted thoughts
and calm the mind

The repetition can also be used to create a positive quality in your life
for example,
by repeating 
I love myself
over and over
you are tapping into your subconscious mind
which in turn will change your thoughts and your habits.

Many repeat mantras to connect with GOD 
(however you wish to define GOD)
by repeating GOD's name
 you are connecting to that spirit to become one

You may also choose to have a mantra with no meaning
sometimes repeating a word or sound that means nothing to you 
can have a relaxing quality 
for a calming meditation experience.

Do you use mantras while meditating?  If so, we'd love for you to share!

For information on the history of mantras check out this site: